More frequent, more dynamic and above all 100% digital, the Connect integration program has been redesigned to provide an even better welcome for employees.

Eramet continues to grow with the regular integration of new talent. To welcome them in the best possible conditions, an integration program is offered to each newcomer, executive or manager: “Connect”. This year it is evolving towards a more frequent, more dynamic and still 100% digital format! 73 guests who have joined the Group since mid-2020 were able to take part in the latest session, which took place on June 22 and 25.​​​

Picture illustrating Connect, the integration program for Eramet Group's new employees

Welcome aboard!

“Connect” is a 100% digital integration program for newcomers to the Group’s executive and management teams:

  • give them the opportunity to better understand the Group, its activities and its strategy;
  • create direct interaction with Eramet’s leaders by offering time for discussion and questions and answers with the Group’s managers and Executive Committee members;
  • and allow them to network with colleagues from different sites.​

​​A unifying event, as Didier Ouedraogo, a geologist specializing in mineral resource estimation who recently joined the Group, points out: “It enabled me to get to know other colleagues who work on different sites.”

More dynamic and more frequent

In 2021, the format of this induction program has been redesigned to provide an even better welcome for employees. “After the 2020 session, we decided to make the program more dynamic and more frequent, to ‘onboard’ new Group executives and managers closer to their arrival,” explains Magali Dufay, Group Talent Project Manager. As a result, the “Connect” sessions now take place once a quarter, in the form of two half-day sessions. 

4 sequences, 4 enriching experiences

The approach of “Connect” has also evolved “so that you can (re)discover Eramet in unusual and varied ways!” says Anne-Marie le Maignan, Human Resources, Health and Safety Manager. This new session began on June 22 with a webinar with members of the Group’s Executive Committee.​

Next, we headed for a serious game for an immersive and collaborative experience in the world of Eramet, including a virtual visit to the Kouaoua mine in New Caledonia! A time was also devoted to safety, a priority for the Group. Aminata Thiam, Camp Superintendent for GCO, particularly appreciated this time: “Knowing that safety is at the heart of all the workshops run by Eramet is important and reassures us as a member of the Group, but above all as an interface between GCO and the service providers we work with.”​

Talents@Eramet, the final stage, offers a final moment of exchange to discuss HR strategy. Chloé Bonnat, newly appointed ESG Performance Coordinator for Eramet, was delighted: “It was an enriching digital experience! I found these exchanges very interesting in their format and content. The information needed to understand the Group and the issues at stake was well explained. The conference format, without presentations but with questions and answers, gave us something dynamic and lively.”​​