Following four years of research in Cameroon on the Akonolinga rutile block, Eramet decided in October 2023 not to pursue the project. Feasibility studies revealed that the economic rationales were not met to support a responsible and profitable industrial project.

Preserving ecosystems and the local population

The sheer size of the deposit, the low rutile content and the shallow depth over which it can be mined would require very high levels of investment, compounded by the cost of managing water and ultrafine particles that could have an impact on the environment. Exploitation of the deposit would create too high a risk for ecosystems and the living environment of local populations, making it impossible for the Group to implement a responsible industrial project.

Eramet accompanies the closure of its exploration activities at Akonolinga on a social and environmental level (rehabilitation of exploration sites) and returns all permits to the Cameroonian government, along with samples and all technical, environmental and societal knowledge acquired. Teams are demobilized as part of a gradual, negotiated social plan.

Social project

The Group is committed to leaving a positive local impact at Akonolinga, by funding a societal program to enhance a local development project, in line with its global commitments. Conducted in consultation with the project’s stakeholders on the basis of societal studies carried out in the main villages where the exploration campaigns took place, this project should be launched in the coming months in partnership with local players.

Responsible exploration

Exploration in Cameroon
(in French)

Our expertise in mineral sands

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Our projects

ReLieVe – Battery recycling

To support the development of low-carbon transport, Eramet is aiming to become a major force in battery recycling in Europe. In cooperation with Suez, Eramet is involved in the ReLieVe project (Recycling of Li-ion batteries for Electric Vehicles).

Ageli – Geothermal lithium

Eramet and Electricité de Strasbourg have joined forces to pursue a joint project for the sustainable development of Alsace’s lithium resources, with the aim of producing French-made lithium.