There are approximately 10 000 Gabonese currently living in France, most of who are pursuing higher educational studies. They represent a potentially rich talent pool which ERAMET COMILOG Manganese (ECM) Human Resources Department wishes to explore through a partnership with the Gabonese Embassy in Paris, France.

As a first step, more than 100 Gabonese students were invited by ERAMET and the Gabonese Embassy to attend an information meeting held at La Maison des Arts et Métiers in Paris, on Friday 7 December. They were welcomed by Philippe Vecten, Delegate CEO of ERAMET Manganese and by Michel Carnec, Executive Vice-President of human resources, hygiene, health and safety, who respectively presented ERAMET’s ongoing activities and projects in Gabon and ERAMET’s human resources policies. Anne-Marie Lemaignan, ECM RH Director, also had the opportunity to present the professional profiles and working experiences ECM is looking for.

A cocktail was organized after the presentation, allowing all participants to meet and exchange in an informal manner. The following morning, ERAMET’s RH team met several of these students for “speed dating” job interview sessions providing potential opportunities for these candidates to join COMILOG, Setrag or Maboumine.

The event was hailed a success by the Gabonese Ambassador in France and by a representative from the Gabonese Ministry of Mines who encouraged these young Gabonese students to consider engaging in and contributing to the industrial development of their country.