Nearly 100 of them took a satisfaction survey and, thanks to them, Eramet obtained the #HappyTrainees label, which testifies to the satisfaction of interns and work-study students.


Our interns and work-study students appreciate their experiences within the Group… and they are the ones who say so! For its first participation in an annual satisfaction survey, organized by the recruitment website ChooseMyCompany, Eramet achieved a double win by obtaining the #HappyTrainees Index® 2022 label – for France, Gabon and the rest of the world – and by being included in the top 10 of the international ranking among more than 700 companies assessed.

palmarès international

Mireille Randretsa

Mireille Randretsa

Director of Social Relations and Diversity

This is a strong source of motivation to go even further in the integration of our young employees and the quality of the experiences we offer them as part of their training programformation.

Between September 2020 and August 2021, nearly 100 Eramet interns and work-study students took part in this satisfaction survey. Obtaining the label is subject to the following criteria:

  • At least 50% of respondents;
  • More than 75% of them recommend the company;
  • Obtaining an overall satisfaction score equal to or higher than 3.82/5.

These results underline the interest of our interns and work-study students in their assignments, their satisfaction with their work environment, the quality of the support they receive and their pride, which is shared by our managers and HR staff and helps make Eramet a benchmark employer for young people.